~2D, 3D or Experimental~

 “A picture is worth a thousand words…”, or so the saying goes.

What about an animated medium?

Smart Home Sellers (2D Composite)

All In One Cup (Full 3D)

U-Brush (Full 3D)

U-Music Live (2D)

TaiwanFest (2D Composite)

Let Go Short Film (Full 3D)

Sandra Sung (2D Composite)


Costs do vary due to the complex nature of animated projects therefore we encourage the client to get in touch with us for a quote.

The price includes everything that requires time – drafting, production, revisions therefore final cost may also differ from initial quote if certain project perimeters are changed mid ways.

All projects require a non-refundable 25% deposit of total project initial cost before starting the work.

For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to send in an detailed email at inquiry@anim-plus.com or call at 604-616-1006.